Online Schedule Application (COSA) Process Document

E-mail is always the preferred method of contact for any questions/correspondence.

If an answering machine picks up when you call the office, please leave your name and the reason for your call, and we will get back to you in a timely fashion. Please avoid calling the office on the weekend.

Important Contact Information
Sarasota Gainesville Athens
(941) 870-6143 ext. 152 (352) 375-5151 (706) 433-2022

COSA is a web-based scheduling application used for the purposes of creating work schedules and providing compensation information for all Employees. You can use Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, or Safari as your web browser on a PC to take advantage of all the functions of COSA. (Certain features may have issues while using a mobile device or Mac)

My Info


My Pay


My Stats


Logged Hours


My Schedule

How to Make a Schedule Change Request

- To receive a guaranteed approval for a schedule change, you must submit a request online via the My Schedule page by no later than 5:00pm on the Monday that precedes the week of the request. Any schedule request received by this due date is considered an "on-time" request. Any request that is received after this due date is considered a "late" request, and is no longer guaranteed to be approved.

- With all schedule requests, you are responsible for checking your My Schedule page for accuracy and to ensure that the request has been approved.

On-Time Requests:
  • Any on-time request for a removal of hours will be approved without the need to add any make-up hours. Simply make the request online via the My Schedule page, and no further correspondence is necessary.

  • There are, however, two exceptions:

    • All employees are expected to work a minimum of 16 hours a week, Monday through Friday. You are allowed to make a schedule request that would bring your hours below 16 hours a week, but not in consecutive weeks or consecutive pay periods. Any on-time schedule request that would bring your hourly total below 16 hours a week will only be approved if you have not fallen below 16 hours in the previous week or the previous pay period. If you submit an on-time request to remove hours that would bring you below 16 hours a week, Monday through Friday, and you have already done so in the previous week or previous pay period, your request will automatically be denied, and you will need to contact a supervisor for possible approval. Keep in mind that falling below 32 hours for the pay period will disqualify an employee from enhanced pay rates for that period.

    • Requests to add hours do not need to be on-time to be approved. However, any request to add hours can only be approved based on an operational need and provided the office is not already scheduled to be at full capacity. Once you have added hours, those are your scheduled hours and you will be expected to work them as scheduled. These hours cannot exceed the established schedule maximum for a part-time employee.

    • An employees schedule should not exceed 40 hours in a week unless they acquire prior written approval from management.

Late Requests:
  • Any late requests made after the deadline should likewise be made online via the My Schedule page. As a rule, late requests require that you also contact the office with an explanation for the request, either in person, via e-mail or by phone (see contact information above). Late requests will be automatically denied if no additional contact is made to provide information explaining the request. Late requests will be processed based on operational need.

  • Any late requests for a removal of hours will require a request to pick up the same amount of hours elsewhere on your schedule (make-up hours).

  • When determining where to put your make-up hours, we would first like to see if some or all of your make-up hours can be made up on the same day as the hours in question. If you can move your hours to another time of day rather than move them to a different day, your request is more likely to be approved.

  • If you cannot move your hours to a different time of day in the same day, we next would prefer that you move your hours to a different day that is earlier in the week than the day in question, rather than later in the week.

  • If you must push your hours to a different day later in the week, it is likely that you will be asked to make up extra additional hours on top of your make-up hours. This is decided on an operational need basis, also determined by the frequency with which you make late requests.

  • Any request for a removal of hours for today's hours (for example, calling in sick, or an unforeseen emergency, etc.) is also considered to be a "late request" and an explanation for the request must be made either in person, via e-mail, or via telephone; otherwise, the request will automatically be denied.

  • Depending on the situation and operational need, you may be required to reschedule the hours you're requesting to remove. In general, those who have excellent schedule adherence (fewer than one request per month) can expect to have their emergency requests approved.
- Remember a late request is approved on an operational need basis, and is not guaranteed to be approved. Even if you contact the office with an explanation for your request, your request may be denied. You are responsible for checking to see whether your request has been approved, and you will be responsible for working any shifts that were "denied" for removal. If you cannot work a shift that has been denied you must contact us as soon as possible, and before those hours pass.

- You are given a great deal of flexibility to create and manage your own schedule, and are expected to handle this responsibility in an appropriate manner. This means that you are to report for all scheduled shifts on time, and work the full duration of each shift exactly as they are reflected in COSA. ALL schedule deviation requests must be communicated to a supervisor in advance.

- Uncommunicated schedule deviance that results in you falling short of finishing some or all of your hours for the day may result in additional make-up hours, or you may be subject to suspension, or you may be subject to release, (depending on the severity and frequency with which this happens).

- Any request to remove hours for more than a week must be made via e-mail at least two weeks in advance in order to be considered for approval.

- Holidays, term breaks, Spring Break, etc. are handled separately, and with different rules/guidelines. We will send an e-mail out explaining how we'll handle these situations usually 2-4 weeks in advance.

IMPORTANT NOTES about making changes to MY SCHEDULE

- We will review the schedule at a minimum of twice per day, once before 12:00 noon and once after 6:00pm. We will process requests for changes at these times.

- All requests to add or remove hours will show as "Pending" until the request has been approved or denied. Keep in mind that any late requests made after 5:00pm on the Monday for the following week will be granted on operational need, and you cannot assume the request will be granted. If the request is not approved, you will see "Denied" or "Pending" for those hours, and you are still responsible for working those hours.

- All Pending requests can be withdrawn or modified by re-clicking the pending blocks, red for red and yellow for yellow; then click update. Once a request has been Denied, it can no longer be withdrawn or modified without speaking to a supervisor.

- When making a schedule request on the My Schedule page, after you click update you must close your browser or navigate away from the My Schedule page. If your My Schedule page is still open on your computer when a supervisor tries to process the request, the changes will not go through and the request will remain pending.

- Any time you're going to be more than 15 minutes late for your shift, you need to contact the office, via phone or e-mail before you are late. You should also update your My Schedule page so that it reflects what time you'll be arriving and what time you'll be finishing your hours. You'll still be expected to finish the same amount of scheduled hours for the day. Keep in mind that seating is sometimes limited and moving hours around to certain times of the day is not always a possibility, so it's best to contact the office well in advance of you being late for your shift.

- Any time you would like to come in early for your shift, or on a day you are not scheduled, you should contact the office, via e-mail or by phone, to make sure there is room. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee that a seat will be available for you if you are not scheduled. Once you've arrived at the office, confirm with a supervisor that there is available seating, and update your My Schedule page to accurately reflect the hours you will be working.


Break Policy

All employees are eligible to take breaks whenever they need to. The purpose of this document is to define paid and unpaid breaks along with the acceptable amount of paid break allowance to receive compensation increases. If you have any questions about this, please contact an OS/OM.

Meeting break/idle thresholds is a requirement to receive compensation increases. The acceptable paid break threshold is 4% or less as shown on the Logged Hours page, "Break % column," with "Current Pay Period" enabled. Paid breaks are short (less than 10 minute) breaks as measured from Formalizer logout time to Formalizer login time.

Unpaid breaks may be taken as frequently as one desires. Unpaid break time does not impact the Break % shown on the Logged Hours page. Unpaid breaks are at least 32 minutes in duration as measured from Formalizer logout time to Formalizer login time.

Paid Breaks Unpaid Breaks What Does 4% Mean? Top

My Availability

How to Make Changes to My Availability

Whenever you make changes to your MY AVAILABILITY, you must follow the process outlined below: (This is the trickiest part of using this application, and requires communication between you and the scheduling administrator)

  1. Changes to your Availability should only be done on the weekends (between Friday and Sunday). Go to the My Availability page and make the necessary modifications to your Availability so they reflect the new hours for which you wish to be automatically scheduled.

  2. You will see these changes reflected on your My Schedule page the very next day, because COSA updates My Availability changes once per day at approximately 3:00am. It is your responsibility to review your My Schedule page carefully the next day, to confirm the correct changes have been made.

  3. Please be aware that COSA will NOT remove any hours that had previously been scheduled on your My Schedule page prior to the update, but it WILL add whatever new hours you've requested. The result is that you may find yourself "double scheduled" on some days.

  4. If you find yourself double scheduled, enter a request on the My Schedule page to have the hours removed that you have been double scheduled for. Remember: If an Availability change is made mid-week, the next day it will alter your schedule for the current week. This is why Availability changes should only be done on the weekend (between Friday and Sunday).

  5. Send an e-mail to the appropriate scheduling address for your office (see above), stating that the reason for your request is due to a change in your Availability, and specify the EXACT DATE you wish these changes to take effect. In your e-mail, please include any pertinent information that you feel we should be aware of when processing your request.

  6. We will review your request and either approve it, or contact you for additional information. A request to remove hours that had been previously scheduled will be denied, unless those specific hours meet the deadline for guaranteed approval.

  7. Ask a supervisor if you are uncertain about this process.


Extended Time Off

Extended Time Off is a request for time off that would constitute at least two consecutive weeks of time not working (10+ consecutive business days Mon-Fri). In order to be eligible to request Extended Time Off, you must have logged at least 200 hours OR be at the level of productivity where your XF is at or below a 2.4 and we are reviewing 10% or less of your jobs (whichever comes first). There are General Guidelines discussed below (vacations, internships, studying abroad, etc.), and there are Special Guidelines for Finals, Spring Break, Summer Break, and Winter Break.

General Guidelines

In general, if you need to take Extended Time Off, you must submit a request at least two weeks prior to the start date of your time off, either in person, via e-mail, or by phone (see contact information above).

Special Guidelines

Many of our employees are in school, and as such, there will be special times during the year when we will anticipate losing a significant portion of our workforce (Finals, Spring Break, Summer Break, Winter Break). We understand that, for these employees, school should be the main priority; however, we expect working here to be a priority as well. As such, we expect employees who are in school to know when their tests, papers, finals, and breaks are, to prepare for them ahead of time, and to abide by our scheduling policies and stay in good communication with us when it comes time to ask off for school-related matters. In fact, during these times of the year, we heavily depend on our employees to be responsible with their schedules in order to ameliorate these times of low staffing. Regardless of whether you are requesting time off or not, we will expect all employees who are scheduled to maintain 100% schedule adherence during these times of the year.

Finals - Be prepared for your finals and plan out your study time well in advance of finals week. We have many employees who will be asking off, so last-minute requests will need to be kept at an extreme minimum, and uncommunicated schedule deviance will not be tolerated. Get your requests in on time, according to the normal schedule request procedures listed here. If you have or anticipate any problem with working your hours as scheduled during finals, it is of the utmost importance that you communicate your problem to us as soon as possible. We cannot allow all employees to remove all hours for the two weeks of finals. We ask during finals week that you schedule yourself for what you know you can do -- adding hours where you know you definitely can work, and removing hours for where you know you need time off. During finals, if you would need to fall below 16 hours in consecutive weeks, we can allow for that, but you may be asked to add hours to your schedule before and/or after those weeks, or on the weekends, so you must contact us at least two weeks before you would need to ask off to help us work with you on your schedule before/during/after finals. Finals is the time of year where many employees need added scheduling flexibility, and we rely on all employees to manage their schedules responsibly.

Spring Break - Four weeks prior to the start of Spring Break, we will release a survey asking employees for their Sping Break plans (what days they will be working, and what days they will be gone). The survey is designed to gain a preliminary projection of our potential production needs. employees are expected to have their Spring Break plans finalized two weeks prior to the start of Spring Break. To request off for Spring Break, get your requests in on time, according to the normal schedule request procedures listed here. Typically, during Spring Break, we will offer increased Scribe Production Rate incentives to incentivize employees who are staying behind to work extra hours to make up for the overall loss in production. The amount of extra hours needed and extra pay provided is dependant upon the projected need established in the Spring Break survey. Therefore, it is in everyone's best interest to complete the survey accurately and in a timely manner. The survey links are listed below; however, they will remain inactive during the course of the year until we announce they are active in the weeks leading up to Spring Break:

Athens -
Gainesville -
Sarasota -
Tallahassee -

Below are the scheduling guidelines for Spring Break:

Summer Break - Four to six weeks prior to the end of Spring Term, we will release a survey asking employees for their basic Summer Break plans (are you leaving for summer, working part of the summer, staying for summer, and will you continue working in the fall). The survey is designed to gain a preliminary projection of our potential production needs. The survey links are listed below; however, they will remain inactive during the course of the year until we announce they are active in the weeks leading up to Summer Break:

Athens -
Gainesville -
Sarasota -
Tallahassee -

Below are the scheduling guidelines for Summer Break:

Winter Break - Shortly after Thanksgiving, we will release a survey asking employees for their basic Winter Break plans (are you leaving for winter, working part of the winter, staying for winter, and will you continue working in the spring). The survey is designed to gain a preliminary projection of our potential production needs. Below are the scheduling guidelines for Winter Break:



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