Copytalk Business Services Employee Guidelines

Overview  |   Roles  |   Contact  |   Federal And State Postings  |   Personal Items Policy  |   Security  |   Protected Information Guidelines  |   Incident Response Guidelines  |   Emergency Evacuation Plan  |   Password Guidelines  |   Dress & Hygiene  |   Social Media Guidelines  |   Romantic Or Sexual Relationships  |   Anti-Harassment  |   Sick Policy  |   Environmental, Social, and Governance  |   Remote Work


The purpose of this document is to provide some information about your role and the role you play within our organization, as well as some guidelines and requirements that apply to you as an employee.
If you have any specific questions about the information in this document or any other operational detail, you should contact the Operations Manager of your office, who is listed later in this document.


Copytalk Business Services offers positions to qualified individuals who demonstrate an aptitude and desire to accurately and efficiently process dictation. The following is a brief description of the roles within the company.

Transcriptionist (Scribe)

The scribe or transcriptionist role is a part-time position. Scribes are expected to accurately and efficiently process dictation into a professional transcription. There are various performance expectations and requirements listed elsewhere; in general, more experienced scribes are expected to process work at a greater level of efficiency than less experienced scribes. The job functions of a scribe are below:

Quality Assurance (QA)

The QA or Quality Assurance role is a part-time position. All QAs must have a prior history of successful experience as a scribe. Like scribes, QAs are expected to accurately and efficiently process dictation into a professional transcription. QAs are also expected to monitor transcripts produced by other Scribes and QAs, and assist scribes in reaching full production quality. There are various performance expectations and requirements listed elsewhere; in general, more experienced QAs are expected to process work at a greater level of efficiency than less experienced QAs. The job functions of a QA are all of the functions of a scribe with the additional: There is some additional specialization within the QA role for those QAs with an aptitude, skill, and desire to help new scribes with their first few days with the company. Those qualified QAs, at the direction of a supervisor, may serve as an On The Spot (OTS) QA. OTS QAs may, from time to time, work in-person with new scribes to both QA and communicate our transcription standards and expectations.
Qualified QAs may also serve as QAQAs who are responsible for monitoring the work of other QAs.

Operations Supervisor (OS)

In addition to fulfilling both scribe and QA duties, Operations Supervisors serve as resources to assist scribes and QAs in reaching their full potential within the company. They are the first point of contact for any general office questions or scheduling issues. The OSes have many job functions and are to be thought of as the leaders of the office in the absence of a senior member of management.

Operations Manager (OM)

Each Copytalk Business Services location has a member of the Copytalk management team designated as Operations Manager who is the primary point of authority for the facility. Employees with questions about our privacy policies, information security practices, payroll concerns, and other guidelines, should seek out the OM.

Sarasota, Tallahassee (Florida) Gainesville (Florida) Athens (Georgia)
Kyle Wilson Sean Atkinson John Lubeski
kyle.wilson (at) sean.atkinson (at) john.lubeski (at)

In addition to their roles as Operations Supervisors, the Operations Managers are also responsible for enforcing our policies and procedures. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our policies and procedures this document does not address, they should be the first point of contact.

Director of Operations

If you have a specific concern, complaint, issue, problem, or question that cannot be resolved at your local office, or you simply feel most comfortable escalating your concern, contact the Copytalk Director of Operations at You can schedule a meeting as well by visiting this link.

Contact Information

Please feel free to come to us with any issue you may have. We believe in honest, transparent communication and a work environment free from harassment.

In general, the office which you work out of should be your first point of contact. Please contact your office for scheduling, pay, training, and most concerns.

You may have other reasons for getting in touch with the company.

Federal and State Postings

Various federal and state laws apply to each of our locations. These postings are always available in an accessible location in the office. You may also view the postings below, which are provided by a third-party service to summarize these federal and state laws.

Personal Items Policy

Copytalk Business Services is entrusted with the responsibility of providing professional transcription of dictations. Inherent in this responsibility is an obligation to adhere to information technology and information security standards, access controls that fall in line with various federal or state regulations, and contractual agreements with organizations which may exceed legal and/or regulatory obligations. This policy is intended to support our commitment to those standards, regulations, and agreements, and to confirm a practice of information protection to limit the exposure and impact of threats to the security of the information we process.

All employees who perform work for the Company, or who have been granted access to Company information or systems are covered by this policy. The designation of Restricted Areas and Restricted Items is subject to change at any time. Failure to comply with this policy or any other guideline, including any changes, may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Restricted Areas & Restricted Items

The Company has designated one or more Restricted Areas within the facility. All areas within the facility should be considered Restricted Areas unless the Company has designated otherwise. The production area of the facility, including the area of the transcription workstations, is always a Restricted Area. No Restricted Items are permitted in any Restricted Area.

Electronic Restricted Items are not permitted in a Restricted area even if turned off; these items may be powered on within the facility only in an Approved Area. If it is necessary to travel through a Restricted Area to enter an Approved Storage Area or Approved Area, an employee who is in possession of a Restricted Item is permitted to travel through the Restricted Area provided the employee moves with intention towards an Approved Storage Area or Approved Area prior to approaching the transcription workstations and that any Electronic Restricted Items on their person are powered off.

The below lists of Restricted Items and Unrestricted Items are subject to change at any time. If there is any doubt as to whether an item is an Unrestricted Item, you must assume the item is a Restricted Item and check with a supervisor for confirmation.

Restricted Items

The below are considered to be Restricted Items that cannot be kept on any employee’s person while in the production area of the facility nor at the transcription workstations:
  1. Writing implements, including but not limited to pens, pencils, markers, etc.
  2. Electronic communication and electronic storage devices, including but not limited to: cell phones, smart phones, smart watches, laptops, tablets, e-readers, mp3 players, flash drives, USB storage devices, portable hard drives, cameras, and electronic gaming devices.
  3. Storage devices, including but not limited to: backpacks, purses, tote bags, lunch boxes, laptop bags, oversized wallets, etc.
  4. Any other type of device that is capable of storing, capturing, or transmitting information.

Unrestricted Items

The below are considered to be Unrestricted Items that are allowed to be kept on any employee’s person in the production area of the facility or at the transcription workstations.
  1. Books and other non-electronic reading materials
  2. Food to include drinks and snacks, to the extent that the food or drink items do not present a strong odor or contribute to an unclean work environment.
  3. Additional clothing items to include blankets, sweaters, jackets, hoodies, hats, gloves, etc.
  4. Personal keyboards, headphones, and similar devices provided a supervisor has approved the use.
  5. Wrist guards, or seating/posture support devices
  6. Non-smart watches or other time-keeping devices that cannot store, capture, or transmit information.
  7. Personal health and hygiene products such as lip balm, tissues, medication, etc.
  8. Health-related devices (glucose monitor, etc.) provided they are serving a legitimate medical purpose and are approved by management

Prohibited Items

The below are considered to be Prohibited Items that are not permitted in the facility at all:
  1. Items that would violate state or federal law.
  2. Alcohol and controlled substances.
  3. Items that are highly flammable, reactive, or explosive.
  4. Weapons, including concealed weapons.
  5. Items that would violate any Company policy.

Approved Storage Areas

Company provides an approved storage area for both Restricted and Non-Restricted Items. The Approved Storage Area may include the use of lockers. Whether or not in a locker, all Electronic Restricted Items must be powered off prior to storage in an Approved Storage Area. The below provisions apply to Approved Storage Areas and, if employee uses a lock on a locker, items stored in lockers.
  1. Employees who opt to use a lock on a company-provided locker must provide their own lock.
  2. Company reserves the right to remove and/or dispose of unregistered locks affixed to lockers. Company is under no obligation to replace locks that are removed or disposed of in this manner.
  3. Employees may not store perishable food items in lockers.
  4. Employees consent to periodic, routine, random, and/or event-based search of lockers.

Approved Areas

Company will designate at least one Approved Area. Within the Approved Area:
  1. Employees are permitted to have and use Restricted Items so long as those items do not cause a disturbance and/or noise louder than an inside speaking voice.
  2. If Company provides a charging station, employees are permitted to use any Company-provided charging station for both restricted and unrestricted electronic items. Company assumes no liability for any damage or malfunction related to any charging station.
  3. All employees must clean up after themselves, including after the use of any counter space, sink, or kitchen appliance such as a microwave or refrigerator.
  4. All employees must agree to use inside speaking voices and to keep the volume of socializing and other activities to an acceptable indoor level.


Copytalk Business Services must ensure the highest possible security throughout the transcription process. Company has various controls to support this goal, including the use of video cameras that record/monitor 24/7/365. As well, all persons on Company premises may be subject to a reasonable search of their person upon arrival, upon departure, or at any time while on the premises.

Only those who are directly associated with CBS are allowed inside the facility. Any non-affiliated visitors must be cleared by a supervisor prior to their arrival and will be required to sign in, present proper identification, and take a visitor pass. Employees who witness an unauthorized person attempting to gain access to the facility should immediately notify a supervisor. If there is any question whether a person is authorized to access the facility, the assumption should always be that the individual is not authorized.


Due to the sensitive nature of the work employees perform on behalf of the Company, all employees are required to provide written consent to the release of consumer and/or investigative consumer reports ("background check") and must pass this level of screening prior to performing work on behalf of the Company.

If the results of your background check present a problem, the Company will provide notification to you in advance of any adverse action taken as well as provide a copy of your background check, a summary of your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and contact information of the agency that provided the information.

Additionally, all employees that are selected for a management-level position and/or who have elevated administrative or security access to Company networks, systems, or applications, must consent to drug testing and enhanced background screening pursuant to the Drug Free Workplace Policy.

Protected Information Guidelines

Information that employees access, or have access to, may include confidential or sensitive information, including personally identifiable information and electronic personal health information. Copytalk Business Services is committed to protecting all confidential and sensitive information, including electronic personal health information that is protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This policy is part of Company's commitment to protect the information it handles. Typically, employees have access to protected information only when logged in to the Formalizer application.

While logged in to the Formalizer application, an employee must remain at their station. When the Formalizer application is accessing protected information (such as when there is a dictation available to process) the only permitted uses of the workstation are those uses directly related to and involved in the production of a transcript such as: listening to the audio of the dictation, transcribing text into Formalizer, and referencing processing standards.

Employees who require assistance while logged in to Formalizer should get the attention of a supervisor while remaining at his or her station. If the use of Instant Messenger (IM) software is required to seek clarification on how to process a job, you may summarize the issue with your supervisor so long as details of the job are not described (confidential information is not allowed to be transmitted via IM). It is expected that a supervisor will assist you in person when it's not feasible to summarise your issue over IM. Company maintains certain settings on the IM software; changing any of these settings is prohibited.

If an employee is logged in to Formalizer and/or accessing protected information, and needs to leave the workstation on an emergency basis (extreme illness, fire alarm, etc.), employees have the use of the Formalizer emergency "LogOut" feature which will help preserve the security of protected information. In situations of extreme emergency (fire, flood, disaster situation, etc.), employees are urged to use common sense judgment to determine if there is sufficient time to use the "LogOut" feature before finding shelter or safety.

Employees who leave the workstation while protected information is being accessed, or who are not actively using the workstation to produce a transcript, or who otherwise are in violation of these guidelines may be subject to disciplinary action including an immediate termination of employment.

Incident Response Guidelines

Employees who witness any violation or suspected violation of any Company policy must immediately report the violation to an Operations Supervisor or Operations Manager. Those making such reports are protected against retaliation.

Malfunctions or abnormalities of the transcription workstations must be immediately reported; this includes issues with the computer, computer equipment, desk, chair, etc.

Company maintains a contact list posted in the office with phone numbers and e-mails to be used in the event of an incident. Any after-hours incident or contact should be directed to the Operations Manager.

Additionally, Copytalk wishes to know about ANY suspected fraudulent, dishonest, corrupt, or unethical behavior. Behaviors of this kind are unacceptable, particularly in the workplace. If you witness theft or inappropriate disclosure of information, falsification or alteration of records, instances of bribery, extortion, or any other questionable behavior, you are required under Copytalk policy to report the matter.

Emergency Evacuation Plan

The Company recognizes the importance of preparedness as it relates to the possibility of a hazard or emergency (including a weather-related event) that puts the health or safety of employees in jeopardy. In an emergency scenario, your Operations Manager and the Operations Supervisors will serve as the Incident Team and will determine whether the safest option is to remain inside or evacuate the facility. If the determination has been made that evacuation is the safest option, please proceed safely to the designated assembly point using the closest safe exit, including the use of emergency exits not normally used. After evacuating, the facility should not be re-entered until the "all clear" is given by the Incident Team.

The following establishes the facility-specific assembly points:

Location Primary Assembly Point Backup Assembly Point
SRQ 500 Tallevast mailboxes Opposite the 600 Tallevast Suite 202 entrance
GNV Grassy area by the sign at the front of the mall Fire station parking lot across 2nd Ave
ATH Greenspace across parking lot from main entrance Covered walkway to the right (west) of facility entrance, near nail salon and catering company

Password Guidelines

All passwords used for work-related purposes must meet the following requirements, whether used to access Formalizer, COSA, an Instant Messenger, or any other system. Please do not reveal or talk about your password to others; your password should be stored in your memory only. Do not write your password down or use your SBS password for other sites or services.

Any password meeting the above guidelines is acceptable, however some passwords are easier to remember than others. Some people find that using a passphrase assists in remembering their password. We have provided some examples of passphrases to guide you, however note that these are NOT valid passwords as they do not meet the character length requirement.

3Beats1, Go2Bed, More4me, 5alivE, got6Pix, 7Eleven, LuvnH8, MineIs9, etc.

Dress & Hygiene

We would like to maintain a relaxed working environment and want everyone to be comfortable during their shift. Employees are expected to use good judgment and wear clothing that is appropriate for a business setting. When meeting with visitors from outside the company, or when the company is hosting special groups or guests, employees are expected to dress appropriately for the occasion. This includes having an appearance that is clean, neat, tidy, and an attention to good personal hygiene. The standard of dress has been established to: The following items or dress are considered to be inappropriate working attire: Employees should err on the side of caution; if an item is questionable, another item should be selected. Please consult your supervisor if you have any questions about appropriate attire.

In an effort to promote hygiene and cleanliness: Employees found wearing inappropriate attire or receiving hygiene complaints will be investigated and followed up with in private; if an employee is asked to leave the issue must be corrected before returning. Repeated offenses may result in disciplinary action. Employees with dress code concerns due to religious or health issues should speak to an Operations Manager.

Social Media Guidelines

Personal social media accounts are accounts that are not directly associated with the Company. Employees are permitted to maintain such accounts and the below guidelines are in place for these accounts:


Company is committed to providing a work environment free from all forms of discrimination and harassment and believes all individuals should be treated with dignity and respect. Workplace harassment in relation to sexual orientation, gender, race, religious affiliation, age, national origin, citizenship, disability, or any protected classification will not be tolerated. Any offenders will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

If you have been victim of workplace harassment or are aware of workplace harassment, immediately report this to your supervisor. If your supervisor is unavailable, if you are uncomfortable reporting to your supervisor, or if the harassment involves your supervisor, you should direct your complaint to a more senior member of management.

All reports regarding harassment will be investigated with an appropriate level of privacy and confidentiality, and those making reports about suspected or confirmed incidents of harassment will be protected against retaliation. Your employee handbook (signed and delivered at time of hire) contains the full Anti-Harassment Policy, including what constitutes harassment and what other protections are available to you.

Romantic Or Sexual Relationships

Company wishes to avoid unhappy complications, significant difficulties, and ethical concerns that may arise out of consenting romantic or sexual relationships between a supervisor and an employee. Accordingly, such relationships and any conduct that may reasonably be expected to lead to the formation of a romantic or sexual relationship are strongly discouraged.

If a romantic or sexual relationship between a supervisor and an employee should develop, it shall be the responsibility and mandatory obligation of the supervisor to promptly disclose the existence of the relationship with their immediate supervisor. A violation of this policy is grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination. The employee may make the disclosure as well but the burden of doing so shall be upon the supervisor.

In addition, and in order for Company to deal effectively with any potentially adverse consequences such a relationship may have for the working environment, any person who believes that he or she has been adversely affected by such a relationship, notwithstanding its disclosure, is encouraged to make his or her views about the matter known to the Copytalk Executive Team and/or a CBS Operations Manager.

Upon being informed or learning of the existence of such a relationship, Company may take all steps that it, in its discretion, deems appropriate.

This policy shall apply without regard to gender and without regard to the sexual orientation of the participants in a relationship of the kind described.

Guidelines For Illness/Sickness

If you are sick, please do not come to the office. Contact the office via e-mail.

Copytalk provides face coverings and specialized cleaning supplies to support a clean work environment. Face coverings are not currently mandatory, but may become mandatory in the event the Copytalk Pandemic Response Plan is triggered. Face coverings must be worn by individuals who are actively coughing/sneezing (example: allergy season or other non-contagious situation).

Those showing signs of active sickness or illness may be asked to leave the office.

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

Copytalk believes in the importance of operating in an ESG-aware manner and adopts a stance of being environmentally conscious. Employees responsible for the management of Copytalk locations should make environmentally-conscious decisions within the bounds of reasonableness. Examples include, if paper products are necessary, to buy FSC-certified or other products certified as sustainable; to purchase re-usable mugs and drinkware over disposable items.

As well, Copytalk has established guidelines on acceptable e-waste disposal to limit the impact of pollutants.

Copytalk is committed to offering a diverse and inclusive work environment free of harassment and hostility. When writing policies or guidelines, Copytalk is committed to consider employee demographics to avoid undue marginalization, discrimination, or unfair treatment. Copytalk is also committed to attracting, recruiting, retaining, engaging, supporting, developing, and advancing underrepresented and diverse employees, including women, people of color, LGBTQIA+ individuals, and any other under-represented demographics.

Employees responsible for the management of Copytalk locations should make socially-responsible decisions both in the day-to-day operations and also by engaging in activities that specifically call attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Copytalk also believes in transparency and employee engagement. Employees responsible for the management of Copytalk locations should adopt practices which encourage employee engagement and increase transparency. Examples could include: offering employees the opportunity to provide feedback (verbal or written), hosting staff meetings to hear ideas and learn of concerns, and the writing and disseminating of periodic newsletters.

Remote Work

As part of our Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, and Pandemic Response plans, we maintain a small remote work program. Unless any of the aforementioned plans are activated (e.g. during a pandemic), remote work is capped to a certain percentage of our active workforce. You can read more about applying for remote work and what the requirements are by following the link below.

Current guidelines on Remote Work are available through this link

Those approved to work remotely must follow all items outlined in the Telecommuting Agreement and must abide by all policies as a condition of working remotely and a condition of employment.

[Advanced Scribing Techniques] [Bookmarks] [Common Terms] [Compensation Policy] [Customer Ratings System] [CBS Employee Guidelines] [COSA] [CRM Standards] [E-mail Corrections] [Error Codes] [Reasons for FDS/FQA] [Referral Bonus Program] [Speed and Accuracy] [Standards] [Troubleshooting]

Revision Date: 2025-01-13